



This map shows restaurants, public facilities, and hotels where you can use Free Wi-Fi casually during your stay in Urakawa.Please use it to check tourist information and to secure means of communication in the event of a disaster. In addition, this map also shows banks, shinkin banks, post offices and convenience stores where you can withidraw Japanese yen by cash cards and credit cards.

*To use Free Wi-Fi, sometimes you may be asked to enter your email address as an authentication procedure. Please ask each facility for more information about how to use Wi-Fi.

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> 浦河町観光Wi-Fiマップ日本語版(PDF)
> 浦河町観光Wi-Fiマップ英語版 / Urakawa Tourist Wi-Fi Map(PDF)
> 浦河町観光Wi-Fiマップ中国語(繁体)版 / 浦河旅遊Wi-Fi地圖(PDF)
> 浦河町観光Wi-Fiマップ中国語(簡体)版 / 浦河旅游Wi-Fi地图(PDF)
> 浦河町観光Wi-Fiマップ韓国語版 / 우라카와초 관광 Wi-Fi지도(PDF)

